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Thieves of Joy and How to Resist Them

Writer: Jeremiah RinerJeremiah Riner

Article by Jeremiah Riner

In a world that often feels heavy, joy can sometimes seem just out of reach. Yet, as Christians, we know joy is vital. The Bible offers lessons on maintaining joy, warning us about several "thieves" that can steal it away. This post explores three key thieves of joy from the Bible and shares strategies to resist them.

The Comparison Trap

Comparison is a familiar thief of joy. In 2 Corinthians 10:12, we read, Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.

When you compare your life to others, whether in terms of wealth, success, or relationships, you can quickly feel inadequate. For instance, a recent study showed that over 60% of social media users report feeling worse about their lives after scrolling through feeds filled with the achievements of others.

Strategies to resist this thief include:

  • Gratitude: Gratitude for what the Lord has done and Who He is to and for us is a significant shift in our mindset. Regularly writing down or rehearsing in our own minds what the Lord has done for us is a great spiritual exercise. Every week, jot down or meditate on a few things—big or small—that bring you joy due to the gracious and merciful hand of God.

  • Limit Exposure: If certain social media accounts or friends drive us to feelings of inferiority or unrighteous anger, consider unfollowing them or taking a break. Aim to follow accounts that stir you to "love and good works" (Hebrews 10:24). This change in focus can reshape your outlook.

  • Celebrate Others: Competition among the people of God is sin. Make it a point to regularly celebrate the successes of those around you. Praise God when other ministers see public fruit in their congregations and own lives. Remember, those that are not against us are with us (Mark 9:37).

Worry and Anxiety

Worry can also steal your joy. Philippians 4:6-7 advises, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

When you let worry dominate your thoughts, it consumes your peace. Studies have shown that about 40% of what we worry about never happens, yet the cycle of anxiety can overshadow joy.

To combat worry, consider these approaches:

  • Prayer: This is the greatest weapon against worry that we'll ever know. Set aside time each day to pray and commune with God. This can range from early moments in the morning or peaceful times before bed. Prayer is not a "one size fits all" spiritual discipline, but it is the prescription for all believers that the Bible clearly teach us, regardless of how we make time for it.

  • Focus on Christ: Getting our minds and hearts fixated on Jesus during heavy times of worry is essential. His life, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and return can drive away anxiety in ways nothing else can. He is the calmer of storms, the drier of every tear, and the peace in the midst of chaos. Jesus has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows (Isaiah 53:4). He has spoken to us the words of eternal life (John 6:68). Therefore, we look to Him and listen to Him for joy just as He told His disciples in John 15:11, "These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full."

  • Plan but Release: While planning is helpful, it's essential to let go of the need to control every outcome. Trust that God is sovereign and is working all things together for His glory and our good (Romans 8:28). Rest in the finished work of Christ and the all-knowing, merciful, faithful love of our Heavenly Father.


Unforgiveness can act as a heavy chain that drags down your joy. In Matthew 6:14-15, Jesus underscores the importance of forgiving others: “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”

Carrying grudges and harboring bitterness in your heart not only harms your joy but can also affect your relationship with God. It's like gripping a sharp knife by the blade; the stronger you squeeze, the more you harm yourself.

Here’s how to resist this thief of joy:

  • Reflect on God’s Forgiveness: Spend time thinking about the forgiveness you've received in Christ. This reflection can and should move us to forgive others. One practical exercise is to write down how God has forgiven you and dwell on Scriptures that command us to do the same to others.

  • Take Action: Forgiveness requires active steps. Remember, this is not a suggestion found in the Bible, but a commandment from our Lord. This is where joy will need to be fought for as we push through our carnal emotions and urges to withhold forgiveness due to past pains or hurts. If we truly desire the joy of our salvation in Christ then we'll pursue that through the power of the Holy Spirit by actively forgiving others...and at times, ourselves.

  • Seek Support: Some burdens are heavier than others and require the help and counsel of fellow believers or our pastors. The Lord has placed under-shepherds in our lives and churches for a reason and one of those is to help mentor and care for the flock in their low seasons. Seek out your elders and church leaders for help, but don't forget the power of a praying brother or sister in Christ either. There really is strength in numbers. As Paul told the church in Galatia, "Bear one another's burden, and so fulfill the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2)

Finding Lasting Joy

Although comparison, worry, and unforgiveness may seem overwhelming, remember that the Bible provides guidance to counteract these thieves of joy. By adopting practices like gratitude, prayer, and reflection on God’s love and grace, you can once again experience the joy of your Christian life.

Joy is not dependent on your circumstances, but rooted in your connection with the Lord Jesus. When you sense joy slipping away, take a moment to reassess and remind yourself of the truths in Scripture. By doing this, you'll discover that joy can be renewed, no matter what challenges arise.

Implementing these Biblical strategies will enable you to make joy a consistent part of your life—a precious gift from God that you can cherish through all of life's ups and downs.

Jeremiah Riner is the pastor of Calvary Bible Church in Duffield, VA and the host of the Deeply Rooted Podcast. He resides in Mount Carmel, TN and is married to his lovely wife, Morgan. They are the proud and blessed parents of Everly and Judah.


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